Fife Garden Trail 2017
Running over late June and early July, the Fife Garden Trail provides an opportunity to see nine privately owned gardens five of which have never or rarely admitted visitors before.
It also offers a very flexible way to visit the gardens whether you wish to visit the area and see all gardens in three days (20-22 June, 27- 29 June or 4-6 July) or take the four weeks to see them all.
The gardens can also be visited at different times, with some open all day, some in the afternoon, and others in the afternoon and evening.
Some gardens have plants for sale, others the option of teas.

From recently developed to rejuvenated historic all the gardens opening for the Trail are unique and reflect great gardening and creative talent. All are different, but have one thing in common- their owners would love to share their garden and passion for gardening with you and raise funds for charity in the process.

A ticket for The Garden Trail makes a perfect gift and do treat yourself as well!
More details can be found on our brochure here:
ADMISSION: £20 (plus £1 P&P) for entrance to all gardens. Accompanied children free.
TICKETS: A limited number of tickets are available by clicking the button below or by cheque payable to Scotland’s Gardens from S. Lorimore, Willowhill, Forgan, Newport on Tay, Fife DD6 8RA.
You can no longer purchase a ticket.
BENEFICIARY CHARITIES: 60% of the net proceeds from the Fife Garden Trail 2017 will go to Scotland’s Gardens beneficiary charities, with the remainder split equally between RNLI Anstruther and RHET Fife.