An extensive collection of cactus and succulents from around the world, but specialised on the Americas, housed in a 12ft by 8ft greenhouse. The collection includes a Jumping Cholla/Teddy Bear Cholla (dubbed the "most dangerous" cactus species), living stones, mammillaria, lobivia, rebutia, opuntias and echinocactus. Many plants will be in flower during the summer. Beside and in front of the house, there are examples of larger cactuses, some in luxuriant and colourful bloom.
Directions: From Canonmills, head north on Inverleith Row. Fourth on right is Warriston Drive. Bus 23, 27, 8 and 9 are on Inverleith Row: stop is for Warriston Drive.
Other details: Please see Stockbridge Gardens for details of other gardens open on this day.