2025 Applications Open! 
Scotland’s Gardens Scheme Cattanach Fund 

We created the Cattanach Bursary for horticulturists and gardeners in Scotland to access personal and professional development. We recognise that it’s their skills and experience that ensure the continued care of Scotland’s fine gardens. Therefore, we offer up to £1,500 to individual applicants to pursue their learning journey - about plants, best horticultural practices and effective garden management. This bursary was made possible by the generous bequest of Mr Albert Cattanach, a regular visitor to SGS’s open gardens and funds from the John Fife Award. We hope it helps to continue the strong tradition of horticultural training in Scotland.

Aline Abreu - Cattanach recipient 2023
Aline Abreu - Cattanach recipient 2023

”This training has equipped me with a highly valuable skill that I can now apply in the garden and use to propel my career to a senior position.”
Aline Abreu, Horticulturist, NTS Kellie Castle


  • Be a horticulturist/gardener aged 16 years and over, living and working in Scotland and/ or have a track record of working/training in horticulture in Scotland (full time for a
    minimum of two years; part time for a minimum of four years). Main source of income must be through gardening/
    horticulture (or about to be, for example, soon to qualify or graduate)

  • Be unable to afford the project without additional support

  • Commit to providing a report on their bursary, including details of the project and how it benefited them

  • Successful applicants may re-apply to the fund but should wait three years before their next application.

Please read our guidance notes carefully before submitting your application.

Cattanach Guidance Notes

  Apply today!