Please help our Garden Owners by bringing CASH to our open days. If you can’t attend the opening but still want to support our charity, we welcome donations HERE.


Grangemuir, Pittenweem KY10 2RB
Tara Macdonald
T:07867 798746
Current Openings:
By arrangement 1 February - 30 September (Tuesday & Thursday). (2025)
Admission £6.00, children free.
Nominated charity: All proceeds to SGS Beneficiaries.
Description: Madeira is a wonderful, ten-acre eco garden with a Victorian walled garden at its centre. We have an orchard and vegetable garden, pretty paths through woodland and plenty of bluebells and snowdrops. We don’t use chemicals and fully support wildlife and the habitat they live in; the bee garden and our wilding areas are just two examples. The garden is a work in progress and we are continually creating spaces and fun things for kids to enjoy e.g. our dragon's den, Viking shelter, rope swings and more. We grow our own vegetables and love turning our fruit into juices, jellies, jams and ice-cream. We’d be delighted to show you round or let you wander and enjoy.

Directions: Take the bus to Pittenween and walk up Charles Street, past the recycling centre and we are 400 metres up on the left.

Other details: Open for Snowdrops and Winter Walks from 1 February to 11 March as part of the Scottish Snowdrop Festival.

The listing location on a map.