Please help our Garden Owners by bringing CASH to our open days. If you can’t attend the opening but still want to support our charity, we welcome donations HERE.


Burnside, Sandness, Shetland ZE2 9PL
Mrs Gundel Grolimund
T:01595 870246
Current Openings:
1 April - 31 December, dawn - dusk (2025)
Admission £4.00, children free.
Nominated charity: Survival International 60%.
Description: A small but perfectly-formed garden and a prime example of what can be achieved in a very exposed situation. Blue painted wooden pallets provide internal wind breaks and form a background for shrubs, climbers and herbaceous plants, while willows provide a perfect wildlife habitat. There are treasured plants such as Chionochloa rubra, pieris, Chinese tree peonies, a selection of old-fashioned shrub roses, lilies, hellebores and grasses from New Zealand. There is also a lovely selection of interesting art and textiles in the house.

Directions: Head north on the A970 from Lerwick then west on the A971 at Tingwall. At Sandness, follow the road to Norby, turn right at the Methodist Church, Burnside is at the end of the road. Bus 10 Sandness - Walls. 

The listing location on a map.