Photography Competition

Congratulations to our Photography Competition winners! Thank you to all participants, and the voting audience.

Judges Choice Award - Maggie Wormald

The Competition’s Judges:  
Brian Cunningham - Beechgrove Garden Presenter, Head Gardener at Scone Palace and Scotland’s Gardens Scheme’s Ambassador;
Lizzie Schofield - Beechgrove Garden Contributor, Garden Opener at Cuthberts Brae, Scotland’s Gardens Scheme’s Ambassador, Instagram content creator with over 53k followers;
Richard Bath – the Editor of Scottish Field Magazine.

‘We were very impressed with the photographs submitted to the competition and it was hard to initially narrow the choice down to five. However, there was one photograph that stood out for all of us, and it was Maggie Wormald’s shot of 2 Durnamuck. The picture caught our attention right away, it has mountains in the background and blue sky, grasses and colourful flowers. It is an archetypally Scottish Highland scene. If I had that border in that setting, I’d pat myself on the back. You can look at this picture for half an hour and still see interesting things. The composition is great, all elements add up to its beauty. We would like to congratulate all the contestants, it was a pleasure to review your photographs that were full of creativity, colour and wonderful stories behind.’ 

30-2-maggie-wormald-2-durnamck-20220820-120504.jpg ©Maggie Wormald
2 Durnamuck ©Maggie Wormald

Audience Award - Sophie Blanchard

The winning photo received 153 votes. Our Audience commented: ‘A beautiful gate looking out on a beautiful view over a beautiful part of Scotland. Love the combination of stonework and metal!’, ‘Simply stunning! Makes me want to visit.’ and ‘Lovely photo - what an amazing garden feature!’.

09-1-dsc-0196.2 The Quoy of Houton.jpg ©Sophie Blanchard
The Quoy of Houton ©Sophie Blanchard

Media Partner



Submitted photographs will compete in two judging categories:

Judge’s Choice Award - Judged by our panel of judges

Audience Award - judged via our audiences on our social media platforms



Browse the photographs shortlisted for the Competition.

35-1-jean-keay-burgie-arboretum.jpg ©Jean Keay
©Jean Keay

Burgie Arboretum

What a wonderful find and such a gem of a wild garden. On a fairly windswept Monday we had the place entirely to ourselves and enjoyed a long walk around the ponds and the woodland. A very fierce swan mother chased us away if we got too close to her two cygnets hiding amongst the grass and wildflowers.

34-1-jean-keay-gordon-castle-1.jpg ©Jean Keay
©Jean Keay

Gordon Castle

31-3-juliannerobertson-willowhill1.jpg ©Julianne Robertson
©Julianne Robertson


This was my first visit to Willowhill - I went in May and enjoyed the spring display so much I also went back in August to see it in midsummer! It's a very calm and relaxing garden with distinct areas and a huge range of plants and flowers, all beautifully layered and combined. I came away with some lovely images of the flowers and plants there - I hope these photos have captured some of the essence of this lovely garden.

30-2-maggie-wormald-2-durnamck-20220820-120504.jpg ©Maggie Wormald
©Maggie Wormald

2 Durnamuck

A stunning day for Durnamuck Garden open. Beautiful sunshine with gale force winds. So special to see the plants swaying with the wind. and framed by the landscape. This is garden design at its best and rounded off with wonderful tea and cakes , plant sales and friendly hosts! A lovely day out.

31-2-juliannerobertson-willowhill2.jpg ©Julianne Robertson
©Julianne Robertson


30-1-maggie-wormald-2-durnamuck-20220820-120457.jpg ©Maggie Wormald
©Maggie Wormald

2 Durnamuck

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©Sue Harpet

Royal Botanic Gardens

RGB is always special. They have transformed the QueenMothers Garden maze area into lots of beautiful Dahlia’s in it.

27-3-fiona-drummond-earlshall-castle-3.jpeg ©Fiona Drummond
©Fiona Drummond

Earlshall Castle

A rare opportunity to visit a unique historic garden with quirky and modern elements.

27-1-fiona-drummond-earlshall-castle-1.jpeg ©Fiona Drummond
©Fiona Drummond

Earlshall Castle

25-3-andy-leonard-parkvilla-3.jpg ©Andy Leonard
©Andy Leonard


I am the garden owner. I have developed the garden over 32 years. I'm not an artist and the garden is a way for me to create something beautiful, living, changing and a haven for wildlife. I hope that others enjoy it too via the Garden Scheme.

25-1-andy-leonard-parkvilla-2.jpg ©Andy Leonard
©Andy Leonard


23-1-stewart-halkett-an-grianan.jpg ©Stewart Halkett
©Stewart Halkett


The garden contains something to interest every visitor. It reflects the character and interests of the owners who took a pride in showing it to and chatting with visitors. The vegetable garden had a variety of fruit and vegetables in beds and polytunnels, lots to inspire fellow gardeners.

19-1-235af74a-bc13-47cc-a164-c24a9efa32a5 Gordon Castle Walled Garden.jpeg ©James Byatt
©James Byatt

Gordon Castle Walled Garden

Gordon Castle walled Garden was at its peak in July and although well known for its lavender beds the poppies in front of the well known garden cottage caught my eye.

21-3-amelia-pettman-floors-castle-7.jpg ©Amelia Pettman
©Amelia Pettman

Floors Castle

18-3-benjamin-neill-cosmic-speculation-2.jpg ©Benjamin Neill
©Benjamin Neill

Portrack - The Garden of Cosmic Speculation

We visited during the open weekend, travelling to Scotland just to see it. We had heard about this amazing garden via several sources and it did not disappoint. It was a great day and amazing weather.

18-1-benjamin-neill-cosmic-speculation-1.jpg ©Benjamin Neill
©Benjamin Neill

Portrack - The Garden of Cosmic Speculation

16-2-edythemurie-garden-portmore..jpg ©Edythe Murie
©Edythe Murie


It was a glorious day in July, and I was with two friends, both accomplished gardeners. We had not seen Portmore before. This border stopped us in our tracks. The scheme was deceptively simple, the colours perfectly complementary. We all made notes and left inspired.

15-2-b4c4a042-2004-4344-90b7-40106f0e2bbe.jpeg ©Jane Valentine
©Jane Valentine


A beautiful garden created in a thoughtful, fun, peaceful, magical way. A delight at every turn, a joy to visit, it was stunning! The person in the photo running through the tree lined arch is me (I set the composition up), it sums up how I feel about Broadwoodside.

16-1-edythemurie-garden-portmore.jpg ©Edythe Murie
©Edythe Murie


14-1-sue-veitch-auldbyres-farm-garden-fs.jpg ©Sue Veitch
©Sue Veitch

Auldbyres Farm

Our garden visitors that day carried bright umbrellas and were cheerful and interested, despite the rain!

13-1-hospitalfield-house-jacqueline-laird.jpg ©Jacqueline Laird
©Jacqueline Laird

Hospitalfield House

12-1-robert-harrison-drummond-castle-gardens-01.jpg ©Robert Harrison
©Robert Harrison

Drummond Castle

07-3-cd6eb81c-3de8-47c1-b8bb-c366a7f0f979-1-201-a Cloan House.jpeg ©Robert Booth
©Robert Booth

Cloan House

At best we are only stewards of gardens: Land and gardens really belong to everyone. My delight in Cloan House gardens was increased by seeing the joy it brought to visitors of all ages.

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©Robert Booth

Cloan House

08-2-glenda-growdon-shepherds-house-lily.jpg ©Glenda Growdon
©Glenda Growdon

Shepherd House

The garden was bought in 1957 by Sir Charles and Lady Ann Fraser who have created the beautiful garden that it is today. It is so full off interesting plants and artifacts you dont know where to look next.

08-1-glenda-growdon-shepherds-house-water-lily-copy.jpg ©Glenda Growdon
©Glenda Growdon

Shepherd House

We congratulate all who took part in the competition - your photos and stories made us even more proud of our amazing Garden Openers, Volunteers and Visitors.

Thank you to all who have visited our gardens in 2022. We look forward to seeing you again next year.

34-2-jean-keay-gordon-castle-2.jpg ©Jean Keay
©Jean Keay

Gordon Castle

This was our second visit to Gordon Castle. The garden has certainly developed since we were last here and some early summer colour was just beginning to appear. It is a very calming space to visit, particularly after such a difficult couple of years.

33-1-j-stafford-allen-garden-bolfracks.jpeg ©Julia Stafford Allen
©Julia Stafford Allen


Bolfracks is a masterclass of gardening on a slope. The rich variety of interest displayed in the Autumn showed that the enjoyment of garden visiting does not have to be limited to just the summer months.

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©Margaret Macleod

Stobo Castle

This delightful secret arboretum is a reminder of a visit to Japan, the mature trees with the Oriental features blend to form a tranquil stroll garden, the waterfall, ponds and stream are majestic, having returned in Autumn the colours did not disappoint, will be a definite fixture along with many others super gardens open throughout the year.

31-1-juliannerobertson-willowhill3.jpg ©Julianne Robertson
©Julianne Robertson


28-1-patriciacandlish-garden-whitewin-house.jpg ©Patricia Candlish
©Patricia Candlish

Whitewin House

A beautifully laid out garden with welcome refreshments and loads of inspirational gardening ideas to take away ! The hosts were so friendly and informative - it was a pleasure to visit Whitewin House and look forward to revisiting in the future to see how the garden develops.


Thank you for supporting Scotland’s Gardens Scheme

We enable garden owners to open their gardens, raising valuable funds for charity through garden gate tickets, plant sales and teas.

Can you donate £4 today to help us to continue and improve our volunteer support and develop our garden opening programme for all to enjoy?

27-2-fiona-drummond-earlshall-castle-2.jpeg ©Fiona Drummon
©Fiona Drummon

Earlshall Castle

26-1-stewart-halkett-gordon-castle-walled-garden.jpg ©Stewart Halkett
©Stewart Halkett

Gordon Castle Walled Garden

I have watched the ongoing restoration of the Walled Garden with regular visits in all seasons. It is fascinating to see the how the garden is tended, how healthy the plants are and compare them with my own garden. The cafe uses produce from the garden for tasty meals.

25-2-andy-leonard-parkvilla-1.jpg ©Andy Leonard
©Andy Leonard


22-1-ca84d85a-7889-4f6c-b25a-506aa4c0263d Inveraray Castle & Gardens.jpeg ©Sue Harper
©Sue Harper

Inveraray Castle & Gardens

The garden is beautiful with lovely views and a woodland walk. The castle is a stunning backdrop to the garden which has statues, old trees, views of the castle and river.

24-1-stewart-halkett-glebe-house.jpg ©Stewart Halkett
©Stewart Halkett

Glebe House

The walled garden's symmetry of box hedges, clipped Yew, topiary and neat lawns in a formal layout are an unexpected feature in a small village. The mix of plants, ornamental features and colours within the formality gives ideas for experimenting in other garden styles.

21-1-amelia-pettman-floors-castle-8.jpg ©Amelia Pettman
©Amelia Pettman

Floors Castle

Floors Castle is a very special place, not only for me but for the whole community. Their cafe uses produce thats grown on the estates gardens and greenhouses. It's about appreciating nature and making it accessible to everyone. I feel like greenhouses are under appreciated and over looked by most people but I think they give a good insight into the inner daily workings and hard work that goes into these beautiful gardens.

21-2-amelia-pettman-floors-castle-5.jpg ©Amelia Pettman
©Amelia Pettman

Floors Castle

20-1-b5252dc0-458c-495d-825e-23cb76acd903 Logie House.jpeg ©James Byatt
©James Byatt

Logie House

Everything at Logie was vibrant in May and the alliums strikingly offset the house.

18-2-benjamin-neill-cosmic-speculation-0.jpg ©Benjamin Neill
©Benjamin Neill

Portrack - The Garden of Cosmic Speculation

17-3-40e368c0-e402-42d3-bd57-7975ce8f2af7 The Old Mill Garden.jpeg ©Andrew Ross
©Andrew Ross

The Old Mill Garden

A Sunday visit to my mother and father in laws garden with the family to take in the amazing varicoloured Rhododendrons flourishing in the afternoon summer sun.

17-1-30ef4826-b147-44b3-a415-01fb0692f08e The Old Mill Garden.jpeg ©Andrew Ross
©Andrew Ross

The Old Mill Garden

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©Andrew Ross

The Old Mill Garden

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©Jane Valentine


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©Jane Valentine


13-2-hospitalfield-house-jacqueline-laird.jpg ©Jacqueline Laird
©Jacqueline Laird

Hospitalfield House

I studied art here 39 years ago, it is the oldest art school in europe.

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©Robert Harrison

Drummond Castle

A special charity open day with the money raised going to local good causes

12-2-robert-harrison-drummond-castle-gardens-03.jpg ©Robert Harrison
©Robert Harrison

Drummond Castle

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©Sophie Blanchard

The Quoy of Houton

Despite an overcast weather you could see the garden looks beautiful and well maintained by its owner. Even the house cat enjoy it.

09-1-dsc-0196.2 The Quoy of Houton.jpg ©Sophie Blanchard
©Sophie Blanchard

The Quoy of Houton

Combination of a stunning silver garden gate with a view toward the sea.

08-3-glenda-growdon-shepherds-house-water-feature-copy.jpg ©Glenda Growdon
©Glenda Growdon

Shepherd House