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Preston Hall Walled Garden

Pathhead EH37 5UG
William and Henrietta Callander
T:07971 028697
Current Openings:
Saturday/Sunday, 15/16 February, 10am - 4pm (2025)
Admission £5.00, children free.
Nominated charity: MY Name'5 Doddie Foundation 60%.
Description: Preston Hall is a 3.5 acre walled garden based in Pathhead. Restoration of the 18th century walled garden started in 2011, and today Head Gardener Kate Danesh oversees the ever-evolving transformation. February will see the first glimpse of life again in the garden with the appearance of snowdrops. The Walled Garden and surrounding parkland are carpeted in the beautiful white flowers.

Directions: Twelve miles south of Edinburgh off the A68, one mile east of Pathhead Village.

The listing location on a map.