Scone Palace will be hosting a day to celebrate the snowdrop display that grows in the gardens and grounds of this historic site. A waymarked 'Snowdrop Walk' will guide you through the Friars Den, Victorian Pinetum and down the old drive lined with an avenue of lime trees. Join the Palace gardens team as they plant up a wooded area of the grounds for a new snowdrop display. Here you will learn to increase your own snowdrop display at home where lifting, splitting and transplanting will be demonstrated. As a thank you, a gift of a few snowdrops will be given to improve or start your own collection.
Directions: Two miles from Perth on the A93 Perth/Braemar road. Well signposted.
Other details: A small selection of specialised snowdrops will be for sale from our gift shop with our coffee shop open for a selection of refreshments.