Visit Corners House in Gattonside

There are often personal reasons behind a garden owner’s decision to open their private space to the public. Maude Brownlie from Gattonside has kindly shared her personal story, which you can read below. You can visit her garden as part of a village trail and show support for the charitable cause close to the owner’s heart.

Gattonside Village open day: Sunday 31 July, 2pm - 5pm.

A group of varied village gardens situated on a south facing slope with views across the River Tweed to Melrose. There will be home-made teas and plants for sale. More details can be found HERE

Why I open my garden for charity - by Maude Brownlie

My late husband and I moved to Corners House, Gattonside in the hot summer of 1995. Although our children said “Mum it looks like a Health Centre!” I knew with the backdrop of the Eildon hills and the sheltered location with two beautiful old garden walls, I could make a garden.

We set about removing the huge sycamore which together with several beech, larch and dilapidated Scots pines, dominated the shabby lawn. When planning the planting, I knew it was important to have interest throughout the year. This has been achieved with colour, shape, size and variation. My front door faces N.E. and evergreens now cover walls and small borders. A variety of roses, clematis and flowering shrubs give interest and colour to the other walls around the house.

The Corners

The Corners

I have always loved gardening. In my most difficult times gardening has been my solace. In 1999 and 2001, my eldest grandsons were born. Both have Fragile X Syndrome. Fragile X Syndrome is the most common cause of inherited learning disability. Latest statistics show about 1 in 4000 males and 1 in 6000 females have the full mutation. However, 1 in 250 females and 1 in 1000 males carry the affected gene. I am a carrier and there are various conditions associated with carriers. I am the first female in the UK to be diagnosed with a Parkinsonian-like illness called FXTAS, Fragile X Tremor Ataxic Syndrome. Since diagnosis, my condition has improved dramatically with appropriate medication.

When I was approached and asked to open our garden to the public, it was agreed that part of the proceeds of our Gattonside village garden opening would come to the Patrick Wild Centre, at Edinburgh University doing research into Fragile X and Autism.

One of my grandsons is able and loves to help in the garden. Each year when it comes to garden open notifications, I think perhaps it is time to withdraw, then I think of the joy it brings to others who visit. So once again my garden is open.

The Corners