Please help our Garden Owners by bringing CASH to our open days. If you can’t attend the opening but still want to support our charity, we welcome donations HERE.

West Linton Village Gardens

West Linton EH46 7EW
West Linton Village Gardeners
T:01968 660669
Current Openings:
Sunday 27 July, 1pm - 5pm (2025)
Admission £6.00, children free.
Nominated charity: Perennial 30% & Ben Walton Trust 30%.
Description: A varied and interesting selection of gardens around the centre of the village. Bank House is an unusual and structured garden designed over 30 years by a non-gardener (he was however a 'spade monitor' at primary school). Also included are a walled manse garden in a beautiful riverside setting and two horticultural enthusiasts' gardens in sheltered positions.

Directions: About 15 miles south-west of Edinburgh, take the A701 or A702 and follow signs. Bus 101 or 102 to Gordon Arms Hotel.

Other details: Teas, tickets and plant sale at the New Church Hall in the centre of the village, which will be signposted.

The listing location on a map.