This lovely 3 acre triple walled garden has been thoughtfully restored to provide year round interest and a wonderful environment for birds, bees, butterflies and even red squirrels. The gulf stream keeps the climate mild and enables many tender southern hemisphere plants to thrive. Some of the seasonal highlights are the exotic bulb beds, the candelabra primula walkway, hundreds of blue poppies and a huge variety of hydrangeas, rhododendrons and acers. There are many mature trees and shrubs, including many less common species, and extensive beds of fruit and vegetables that are interspersed with flowers. This well stocked garden, that still has traces of 18th century grandeur, is definitely worth a visit. We are very grateful to the people who visit annually - there is no better recommendation.
Directions: Two miles south-west of Whithorn at junction off A746 and A747 (directly behind Glasserton Church).
Other details: Please check the garden’s website for details of further openings.