Gardens ‘by arrangement’

Did you know that we have hundreds of gardens that are open to visitors by arrangement with the garden owner? This is your chance to arrange an exclusive visit!

Eas Mhor ©Maurice Wilkins
Eas Mhor ©Maurice Wilkins

Benefits of arranging a visit

How to arrange your visit

Garden owners offer ‘by arrangement’ visits for various reasons; limited car parking, convenience or keeping visitor numbers at a more manageable level.

If garden owners are willing to be included in the Book and on the website, they are really looking forward to welcoming visitors. Smaller numbers, no car parking issues and probably no teas, it is also easier to cancel or rearrange appointments if we return to restrictions from the virus. It can be a great visit for a horticultural society or local group (restrictions permitting) or for a small group or couple – just ask the owner.and go and have a look, you will love it! You might even get a personal tour and all those questions answered or you will be welcome to explore on your own, if you prefer.’ - Mandy Readman, former District Organiser for Strilingshire

If you’re new to Scotland’s Gardens Scheme, our Garden Visitor page will help you plan your days out to a garden.