Opening a fantastic selection of gardens across Scotland to raise money for hundreds of charities
3 birds
Please help our Garden Owners by bringing CASH to our open days. If you can’t attend the opening but still want to support our charity, we welcome donations HERE.

St Blane's House

High Street, Dunblane FK15 0ER
Guy and Maud Crawford
Current Openings:
By arrangement 6 May - 28 June (2024)
Admission £5.00, children free.
Nominated charity: Strathcarron Hospice 60%.
Description: This is a well-established two-acre garden with a wide variety of trees, rhododendrons, azaleas and other shrubs and herbaceous perennials. There is a short walk through a wooded area.

Directions: St Blanes House is almost directly opposite Dunblane Library.

The listing location on a map.